
Showing posts with the label Devotion

God looks after us

God cares for us more than he cares for the fruits and vegetables of the fields he cares for us more than the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. He prepared everything we would need to survive before he created us and he gave us power over all the things he made. He loves us and tends to us like a shepherd watching over his sheep. We are his livelihood. He desires a relationship with us. We are more valuable then anything else to him. He cares for us how do we thank him. Do we praose him during our prayer time do we even make time for genuine prayer anymore. Do we meditate on his word his love letter to us. Take some time this week to truly meditate on the word of God and talk to him let him know he's doing a good job. 

Draw close to me

The Lord is asking us to draw close to him. He's asking us to seek his face. He's longing for the day when he can pour out his love onto all our lives. He loves us with a love like no other. So what will we choose today. Open his word and highlight this verse James 4:8 if it's already highlighted underline it, both circle it, write it down 5 times, shout it out loud or whisper it in your heart. This is one of God's promises for you and I hope you accept it. God wants you he picked you he thinks so much of you that he wrote your name in the book of life. 

A humble hearted

God's word tells us to humble ourselves and to have a humble heart. Pride goes before destruction. God said he will exalt you in due time. He will give you glory when it's due but the most important thing is to glorify him. Without him we couldn't do anything. For we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. We ourselves do not give strength. We have no ability, talent, skill, gift/calling unless God gave it to us. God is the father of perfect gifts. Humble yourself before you destroy the very thing you've been seeking God for. Remember it's not about you it's about his glory. 

God makes things right

Nothing happens the way we plan for it too. It might seem like everything is going off course but God sees everything and he knows which way we're heading and be knows what lies ahead. He makes all things work together for our good. He loves us unconditionally even when we don't love ourselves. He can make all things right. Believe in him and trust his plan for your life. He's the good shepherd he will never lead you towards the wolves he will lead you to the green pastures where you can find quiet still waters and rest for your soul. He deserves thanks for that so before you continue your day thank him. 


Our plans our dreams don't look anything like the plans God has for us. He has good plans listen to this song and meditate on God's will for your life. When we learn to fully trust him he pours out his goodness and mercy on us. 

The Waiting

God you take care of us in the waiting. You never said it would be easy, however you did tell us you would be with us and never leave us. We give you praise in the waiting because we know your promises (your word) is never void. You never make a promise you don't intend to keep. And we thank you for that. We praise you even when we don't feel it because our emotions may let us down but God you are a sovereign God who will never let us down. Amen  Use this prayer during your waiting period to remind you that God deserves all the praise. He's never let you down and he's not starting today. He's with you in the fire he's with you in the mountain and even in the valley. Do you trust him? 

God knows

God knows the intention of your heart. He knows everything about you. He knows you better than you know yourself. God knows if you're seeking him with all your heart, mind, and soul. He knows if you want to he knows every true intention of your heart. Because he designed it and gave it life. He modeled us after his own being. He knows. He knows everything. All he wants from you is total surrender. He wants you to completely trust in him.

God is Big

God is bigger than anything you could ever dream. He's bigger than every problem you'll ever face. He made you the apple of his eye. He planned your life out. He created you with a purpose that's far greater than you will ever know. Are you doing what he wants you to do. Are you where he wants you to be. It might not feel like it but if you put complete trust in him he will reveal to you what he expects from you in the here and now to move you into position for his plan. Our dreams are nothing compared to his our plans are not the blueprints for our lives. His plans are to give us hope and a future because everything in this world will down. This life and all the great gadgets in it are temporary. The only thing that will remain is faith, hope ,and love. The Bible tells us God is Love.

Little lambs trust in God.

 My sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow. Stop doubting yourself and give yourself over to the one who created you. Total trust in God, complete trust in him is the one thing you need to strengthen your faith. He knows everything about you and every thought you've ever had; he sees so much more for us than what we can see for ourselves. We have to be willing to give every aspect of our lives to him. Are we trusting him to the fullest. Do we have a desire to fellowship with Christ that is strong enough within us to completely trust him. How do we get to that place of complete trust in God. How do we see through heavenly lenes, through the eyes of our creator. How do we see past this temporary world and into the eternal realm which he promises to all who put their trust in him. The answer is by getting to know him through faith. He is the beginning, he is the word, and without faith it is impossible to please God. Are you reading his word daily? Do you know the voi


One seed can produce multiple fruits and each of those fruits has even more seeds inside them. The seed that lives inside you produces fruits of the spirit either good fruits or bad fruit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control these fruits each have seeds inside them that you can pass onto others through your acts. Express the fruits of the spirit each day in your walk with God doing, going wherever he calls you. The whole purpose of this blog when I started it several years ago was to inspire others so they can have a deeper relationship with god and share the Lord with others. Hebrews 13:16 is still and always will be the motto of this blog and I pray for everyone who comes across this blog to  not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Go out and inspire others. go out and produce good fruit and share it with someone. Let it multiple! Spread it like dandelions. 

Think about this.

 Every time we want to do something for God's glory something else gets in the way preventing us from doing that. We always end up running out of time to do those things that God asked us to do, yet we sit around waiting on him to fulfill his promises to us. God does not lie and God does not delay. Satan is not forcing us to ignore those things which God called us to. We ourselves have to make the choice to either live for God and get to know him or to fall back and leave his glory. After seeing what he can do why would you want to leave, because its convenient or easier is not a good excuse. Every thing worth having in this life and the next is worth putting in the effort and time it takes. The garden will not grow without a gardener you will not produce good fruits without the key ingredients, seeds, soil, water, and Sonlight. We expect God to show up and do all the work but what if God isn't the one who waters your spirit. Jesus said come all who are thirsty and drink. He di

How blessed are we?

Over the next few days we will look back each evening to see how blessed we were during the day. Many things we take for granted like waking up to a sunshiny day, or even having rain in the summertime to cool the temperature down. We forget that God places people in our path everyday to be a light to us even if they aren't shining that bright. It could be a person who simply smiles at you or asks how your days going. There are also many opportunities for us to be a blessing to others. So over the next few days take out your journal and pen and answer the questions posted each day. 1) what am I thankful for that I usually take for granted? 2) were there any missed opportunities for me to bless someone today and what can I do better tomorrow 


Hope in the Lord and good things will come. Do you believe that do you believe that the Lord wants good things for you because he does he created you an this world and when he did he looked around an said that everything was good he wants to give us good things and he does he gives us good gifts and good memories he gives us with good days and good moments in our lives all we have to do is put our hope in him 


Remember to look to the hills where your help comes from. Let your faith rise. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Be strong in faith and wait on the Lord. The Lord is your hope and your strength. Do not be weary in trusting him. He is never late, he is always on time. 

Faith Hope Love

Faith hope and love remain. Everything will pass away. The new mercies he has for us everyday won't be needed once we get to heaven. His forgiveness his grace, once we get to heaven we will no longer need to be saved. We have a choice on earth to believe in him and walk beside him or we can walk away an do the things of this world. In the end faith hope and love will be that remains. The belief in our God who we chose to love and who loves us unconditional.