Who is God?

Who is God? 

He is your creator. He is the maker of the universe and everything in it. He made the whole world and all the creatures on it. He sees all knows all and is above all. He is three in one; the father, spirit, and son. God, he is whomever you need him to be. He is a comforter, a friend, a helper, a father, he is a provider, a healer, a Lord, and a King. God sent his son Jesus from heaven to earth in order to show us the way to eternal life with him. Jesus came to the earth in human form to die as a sacrifice for our sins so that through him we would be saved. Jesus is the Messiah. 

God has many different names which all have different meanings. There is a name for every need you have. I will not name them all, but I will name a few.

 Jehovah Jireh- The Lord will provide

Jehovah Nisei- The lord is my banner

Jehovah Shalom- The Lord of peace

Abba- Father

Elohim-Mighty one

El Shaddai- God almighty

Emmanuel- God is with us

Yahweh- I am 

Yeshua- The Lord saves

His living word, the Holy Bible tells us he is our shepherd, we are his sheep. He is the alpha and also the omega meaning that God is first and last. His son Jesus is an advocate for us. He is the lamb of God. Jesus is the bread of life and no one gets to the father except through him (John14:6). He is the Lord of Lords. God will forever be the King of Kings. He is worthy of all praises. 

The Holy trinity; Father, Spirit, and Son is our firm foundation. God is love. He is our first love and a teacher. He gives us wisdom. He sets us free. He saves us from the enemy. He gives us peace. Most importantly though he gave us a purpose. We each were put on the earth for a reason. He knew us before we were formed in the womb and the plans he has for us are greater than we ourselves have (Jeremiah 1:5, 29:11). 

Along the way things won't be easy. Doing the right thing and making the right choices is hard. Sometimes we make mistakes. It's human nature, but God forgives us. He loves us unconditionally. He gave us ten commandments so that we would call on Him for help. In order to call on him we need a relationship with him first. We can build our relationship with him everyday by studying his word, listening to Christian music, watching sermons whether online or in a church service, and most importantly fellowship with others of like faith.

If you want to invite Jesus into your heart then say this short prayer to him (it doesn't have to be verbalized although it can be): Lord I Admit I have sinned. I know I'm not perfect, but I Believe in you and your word. I trust you will always be right there for me when I need you. I believe you love me and that I am not only your friend but that I am your child. And Lord I Confess you are the only true God. You are my savior today. I'm so thankful you, Lord have come into my heart. I'm so thankful you know me by my name. Help me to do good deeds for others so they may come to know you as well. In Jesus Name Amen.


Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)

So, what is faith exactly? Faith is not believing. Faith is knowing. Faith is trusting that God's word is the truth. Faith is knowing that God keeps his promises. Faith is knowing that whatever you ask for in prayer (according to God's will) will be given to you. Faith is not measured by a clock it sees the future, but not exact day, date, neither the exact time. Faith waits; it is patience. Faith is persistence. Never give up, don't stop praying nor believing and hoping for a miracle. Your faithfulness will move God. Why? Because he loves you. So, faith is exactly what Hebrews says it is... It is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.


  1. 9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
    Romans 10:9 NASB1995


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