Think about this.

 Every time we want to do something for God's glory something else gets in the way preventing us from doing that. We always end up running out of time to do those things that God asked us to do, yet we sit around waiting on him to fulfill his promises to us. God does not lie and God does not delay. Satan is not forcing us to ignore those things which God called us to. We ourselves have to make the choice to either live for God and get to know him or to fall back and leave his glory. After seeing what he can do why would you want to leave, because its convenient or easier is not a good excuse. Every thing worth having in this life and the next is worth putting in the effort and time it takes. The garden will not grow without a gardener you will not produce good fruits without the key ingredients, seeds, soil, water, and Sonlight. We expect God to show up and do all the work but what if God isn't the one who waters your spirit. Jesus said come all who are thirsty and drink. He didn't say i pour this water on you cause you're thirsty. what if he is the one true light that signs down on the soil providing the protection and warmth you need to grow. Take your seed to him bask in his glory. You have to water your seed with the living waters from his fountain. Just like God is the father, son, and holy spirit along with many other things, the seed lives inside you waiting to sprout but you have to be the gardener and plant it in the light of his glory by the living waters. Don't let time slip away from you. Nothing in this temporary life is more important than what God has in store for you.


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