Little lambs trust in God.

 My sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow. Stop doubting yourself and give yourself over to the one who created you. Total trust in God, complete trust in him is the one thing you need to strengthen your faith. He knows everything about you and every thought you've ever had; he sees so much more for us than what we can see for ourselves. We have to be willing to give every aspect of our lives to him. Are we trusting him to the fullest. Do we have a desire to fellowship with Christ that is strong enough within us to completely trust him. How do we get to that place of complete trust in God. How do we see through heavenly lenes, through the eyes of our creator. How do we see past this temporary world and into the eternal realm which he promises to all who put their trust in him. The answer is by getting to know him through faith. He is the beginning, he is the word, and without faith it is impossible to please God. Are you reading his word daily? Do you know the voice of the shepherd? 


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