
Abide in Him

Abide in me and I in you. God wants us to stay in his presence. He wants us to walk with him by spirit and in faith. He loves us and has a desire to be with us. He created us so he could be with us. He's done everything he can to prepare for you are you ready to sit at his feet and listen to him, to worship and praise him for who he is and what he's done for you? Abide in him and he will abide with you. When you seek him you will find him.  When you draw near to him he will draw near to you.

God is on the move!

 God moves us to position us. He positions us so we can receive the blessings he allows to rain down on us. He blesses us because he loves us not because we did anything to deserve it. God is on the move he is moving you into position to receive abundantly above all that you could ever ask or seek simply because he loves you. He works through you to bless you simply because he loves you.

He loves you!


